Thursday, May 12, 2011


A year when cold swallow the sun, a month that doesn't felt the summer and the day when snow wrapped me up motionless. From the freezing afternoon I saw his straight face.
"We are not in the right place to talk about it" he said with a raspy voice.
The arms of pain tightening me around. So much tight that like a fragile I rapidly crashed down then suddenly, tears fall from nowhere.
"Hey, stop crying you're hurting me everytime you do that, please come let me hug you." This words is only on my thought, I just thought he would say that but...
"Don't you have shame? we are in the middle of street, people staring us!"
 I tasted the cruelest emptiness of all, maybe it was something I said or maybe it was something I did. My thoughts runs out, even myself is hiding from me. "God, guide me" I prayed. The only one that I know who will never leave me especially in a time like this then I walked from him while wiping my tears.

---not finished---

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